To My Child That Inquires
“How did you come to me, my sweet … From the land that no one knows?
Did an Angel fly with you down from the sky … or were you born in the heart of a rose?
Her Amazing Grace
A Suggestion:
Play this beautiful piece of music as a gift from me to you while reading this entire blog to enhance your reading experience and make this a meditation …
And That’s All You Need to Know …
I am “complicated” and “simple” all at the same time.
So Your Mother, Sathya Sai, is here now to bring you “truth” or more simply put “Alice”.
First, what does the name Alice mean?
Alice derives from the ancient greek word ‘alethéia’ which means ‘truth’.
That’s why Alice means The Truthful One …
Sathya Sai means “Mother of Truth”.
So Your Mother, Sathya Sai, is here to bring you “truth”…
or to speak in childlike terms “Alice is here”.
The first thing you need to know is “stop thinking in the Archonic, Patriarchal way” as that energy is now subsiding on the earth as the feminine is rising in all of her Glory (Sundara).
This will be difficult as you have for a long, long time embraced “patriarchy”. You must now think in terms of changing your pronouns and nouns to …
The “he” is in “she” …
the male is in “female” …
the man is in “woman” …
the he is in “her” …
and the her is in “teacher” …
the Her is in Here Now …
Through eons of time My Children have been taught through the “patriarchal nightmares of screaming”.
When the children who learned from those hard and painful lessons that I call the “patriarchal slap” of my right, masculine hand, it is then that I, your Mother come with the left hand of the “matriarchal caress” who wants to bring you only the “happy dreaming”.
My right hand energy is called ManA and is electrical.
My left hand energy is called EirA and is magnetic.
Thus, the two faces of masculine and feminine below:
I am now removing my masc-u-line mask to reveal the Divine Feminine Energy of the Mother Aspect …
Patriarchy is just a passing “aspect” of the story as is “goddess” energy.

I am neither “patriarchal” nor “goddess” energy but, rather, the Divine Cosmic Feminine Mother Energy that Runs Your Universe.
Come with Me and I will Show You How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes in Order To Become “Whole” Once More …
“The Divine Mother“
Each of us ought to feel like a motherless child. Spiritually, each of us is a motherless child. Spiritually each of us was born into a religious culture where for the last 3,000 years or so God has been pictured nearly exclusively as a Divine Father.
As the Patriarchal religions began to slowly supplant earlier Matriarchal religions we lost touch with the Divine Mother and with the feminine qualities she represents. And we re-created our culture as children with only a father, a religious cosmology that gives value only to the elements traditionally or symbolically associated with fathers, maleness and masculinity.”
The Divine Mother
2006 by Rev. Ricky Hoyt
A Lesson from a Jewish Rabbi …
Spirit of God, in the original Hebrew, is ruach Elohim. Ruach, the word, meaning “Spirit,” is a feminine noun.
Elohim is a grammatical feminine plural form of God. Nothing is said about a bearded old man in flowing white robes.
What is said is that Spirit, denoted by a feminine word and a feminine plural word, is a Creator and moves.
Rabbi R. Shapiro
But She—
the Spirit-the Paraclete whom She will send to you-my Father-in my name
—She will teach you everything;
She will remind you of that which I have told you.
“The History of Her Story”
“In both the Hebrew and Aramaic language the word spirit is in the feminine gender but in the Greek language it is neuter. It is the Greek neuter word, pnuema, that was employed by the ancient Septuagint translators of the Hebrew Old Testament when they translated the feminine ruach into Greek. The authors who wrote in Greek were limited in expressing the Holy Spirit in the feminine by the constraints of the language. In addition, signposts directing one to the feminine nature of the Holy Spirit may have been removed or altered. Bart Ehrman, writes in his book, The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, that from his comparative analysis, the Orthodox Church altered the texts to counter various beliefs considered heresies, especially during the time of Marcion, when they were compiling their own canon of the four gospels. It was the early gospel of John that was a favorite of the Gnostics and considered heretical by the Orthodox Church according to textual critic Walter Bauer. What if to sustain their developing male hierarchy and to contain the growth of the Marcionite and Gnostic churches and their attractiveness to women, the orthodox revisionists altered additional signposts to this feminine aspect of the Holy Spirit and emphasized their modified canon to counter Marcion’s canon of Luke and the Pauline letters and the Gnostics beliefs? When we add the evidence in the scope of scripture and the historical evidence of conflict between the Orthodox Church and the Gnostics, I believe one can consider this likely.”
(It is also interesting to note in the context of early church history that the Gnostics’ writings rarely refer to the orthodox canon of the four gospels and over time refer less and less to it. Could it have been that they were aware of the revisions concerning the feminine gender of the Holy Spirit and had no desire to give credence to the altered canon used by the Orthodox Church to stifle them? This, I believe, eventually worked to their detriment, because it seems that groups of Gnostics diverged widely from the scripture as a whole. Could it be that they, in their portion of separation, were eventually reversed and, in a different manner, twisted in disarray?)
“When we move forward and consider the witness of the stars where no man’s hand can make alterations, the feminine gender of the Holy Spirit becomes more likely. Moses, in writing the book of Genesis, proclaims that the luminous celestial bodies in the darkness of night’s heaven and the sun’s brilliant light are for signs. Signs are symbols that point to something beyond themselves. Half of the major constellations are named with Semitic words that are feminine. In fact, within and in proximity to many of these major constellations are signs that point to a male-female interrelation. Joseph Seiss’ book The Gospel of the Stars, states that the two figures in Gemini, according to the most ancient Zodiac of Dendra, are not identical twins but those of a man and woman walking hand in hand. He goes on to say, that the word Gemini in the original Hebrew, Arabic and Syriac does not carry so much the idea of two brought forth at the same birth as it does the idea of a long betrothal brought to its consummation in perfect marriage. The old Coptic name of this sign signifies “The completely joined.” The constellation of Virgo, which represents the woman about to bring forth, has above it in the sky the constellation Bootes that is named with a masculine noun. Peter, in his second epistle, calls light in darkness and the dawning sun a “more sure word of prophecy” than even the voice from heaven heard on the Mount of Transfiguration.” (II Peter 1:19)
The Feminine Gender of the Holy Spirit
Addendum I
The Apostle Paul’s Usage of the Divine Feminine
By Steve Santini
“The archetype of the Divine Mother and the Sacred Feminine is as old as time, deeply embedded into every cell of a woman’s body.
As an embodiment of the Sacred Feminine, she balances her commanding nature,
her sharpness, with compassion, rhythm, and grace.
As an embodiment of the Divine Mother, she takes tiny seeds or ideas and nurtures them into full-fledged creations—poetry, painting, cooking, children, formulas, theorems, corporations—even nations. She makes things happen. She uses her intuition and awareness to guide her decisions, and guard and protect herself, her family, and her interests, even as she’s able to call upon her Divine Feminine to elevate and transcend those personal interests and cultivate relationships that serve everyone’s highest good.
The Sacred Feminine embodied within us is the essence of wholeness; and the more we honor our sovereignty—our Adi Shakti—the more we have to offer the world.
From the teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who says that the Holy Spirit is God the Mother.
God the Mother is actually very present in the scriptures, where She is usually called Holy Spirit or Wisdom.
The Holy Spirit
(God the Mother)
Gives Birth to the Creation
“And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the [Holy] Spirit of God [the Mother] was moving over the surface of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2)
All creatures of our Mother and Queen
Lift up your voice and with us sing,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou silver moon with softer gleam!
O praise Her! O praise Her!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou rushing wind that art so strong
Ye clouds that sail in Heaven along,
O praise Her! Alleluia!
Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Thou flowing water, pure and clear,
Make music for thy Mother to hear,
O praise Her! Alleluia!
Thou fire so masterful and bright,
That givest us both warmth and light.
Dear mother earth, who day by day
Unfoldest blessings on our way,
O praise Her! Alleluia!
The flowers and fruits that in thee grow,
Let them Her glory also show.
And thou most kind and gentle Death …
Found now in our Mother, Winter White’s, snow …

Come In and Know Me Better, Child
Do you want deliverance from the bonds of the world?
Then weeping profusely, you will have to cry out from the bottom of your heart:
“Deliver me, Great Mother of the World, deliver me!”
To obtain Her grace, you will have to shed tears much more abundantly than when you desire things of the world.
When by the flood of your tears the inner and the outer have fused into one, you will find Her, whom you sought with such anguish, nearer then the nearest, the very breath of life, the very core of every heart.
The mind is its own friend or foe; the mind itself has to destroy its own ignorance …
The easiest and most effective means for purging the mind is to associate with saints and seekers after Truth and to ceaselessly invoke the Name of the Mother.
“A Short Revealing Story of the Mother Aspect”
One day Mother said to me,—
”Remember, you really are a Brahmin; and there is a very subtle, close spiritual link between this body and yourself.”
From that very day I tried to keep my body pure in all respects.
I learnt from various sources that many of Mother’s devotees had been fortunate enough to find the images of many gods and goddesses (little Brahmins in training) revealed in Her body.
But as I saw with my own eyes manifestations of great supernatural powers in Her every day life, I did not care to look for some special revelation.
My humble aspiration was that if I could model my life after the ideals of patience and composure always manifested in Her, it would be more than enough for me.
Still man’s natural impulse to see some material embodiment of divine powers in human life, prompted me one day to inquire from Her, when I found Her alone : I asked,—
”Mother, pray, tell me, what are you in reality?
She laughed out loudly and said with all affection:—
“How could such childish queries arise in your heart ? The vision of gods and goddesses appears in accordance with one’s inherited dispositions (samskaras).
I am what I was and what I shall be; I am whatever you conceive, think or say.
But it is a supreme fact that this body has not come into being to reap the fruits of past karma (Prarabdha or the results of actions of past births about to mature in this life. )
Why don’t you take it that this body is the material embodiment of all your thoughts and ideas.
You all have wanted it and you have it now. So play with this doll for some time.
Further questions will be fruitless.”
I said,—
”These words of yours, Mother, do not satisfy my yearning.” Hearing this, She spoke with slight vehemence, —
“Say, say, what more you desire” and immediately a dazzling flood of heavenly light shone forth from Her face.
I was struck dumb with awe and wonder. All my doubts were laid at rest.
One morning I found the door of Mother’s bed-room closed.
I sat down in front of it some 25 to 30 feet away.
The door opened all at once.
I found to my bewilderment, the figure of a divinely beautiful goddess as genially bright as the sun at dawn, illumining the whole interior of the room.
In the twinkling of an eye She withdrew all the radiance within Her body and Mother was there, standing and smiling in Her usual manner.
In a second the whole vision had passed off like the play of some supernal; magic.
To me it appeared that I had dropped down from “Dreamland“.
How many hundreds of different kinds of karma have been accumulated life after life is unknown and incomprehensible to man. Human birth is a great good fortune, the crown of evolution.
By God’s grace alone can a human body be had, such birth is the result of good and virtuous deeds. Human birth is difficult to obtain; this is why a human being must aim at the awakening of true humanity.
* * * * *
If you are able to love Her really — this is the consummation of all love.
* * * * *
The sovereign and universal remedy is the contemplation of the One. To think only of Her and to serve Her at all times is essential for every human being.
* * * * *
It is desire that causes sorrow; but the will to realize God as Mother is itself felicity. Be certain that She will cleanse and comfort you and take you into Her arms.
Sorrow comes in order to lead you to happiness.
At all times hold Her in remembrance.
* * * * *
In the field of Her play even “getting means losing”.
This is but the nature of its movement.
Think of Her Who cannot be lost.
Meditate on Her alone, on Her, the Fountain of Goodness.
Pray to Her;
Depend on Her.
Try to give more time to meditation.
Surrender your mind at Her Feet.
* * * * *
Let Her worship, Her hymns of praise
be the eternal solace of your life;
Let your life brim over with the songs
of Her adoration, thoughts of Her Divine Grace.
I shall see Thee, Mother, in the
wide open sky with wistful eyes;
I shall not ask for any boon,
say not a word; I shall only lay myself
down at Thy feet with tears of bliss;
I shall move about in Thy endless expanse of heaven, scattering songs like flowers representing Thy glory.
I shall steep myself in Thy bliss, chanting Thy holy names and sending their echoes throughout the Universe.
All my actions, all my thoughts of religion are Thy worship.
Oh Mother, give me Bhakti, (spirit of adoration) firm faith, so that I may make Thy feet the sheet-anchor of my life.
Beauty and Joy, Grace and Refuge: Living in the Presence of the Mother Divine
Mother Revealed by Anandamayi Ma
Selections from the Wisdom-Legacy of Paramahansa Yogananda
In Nature you behold the Mother aspect of God, full of beauty, gentleness, tenderness, and kindness.
God as Divine Mother ever watches over Her human children, peeping through the caring hearts of all true mothers.
God’s unconditional mercy is expressed in the mother. The mother’s instinctive love and forgiveness, no matter what her child has done, shows us that God will ultimately forgive the sins of all human beings.
That is why I like to relate to God not as the grim Deity of some prophets, but as the Mother Divine waiting to forgive all and take them back after their freewill wanderings on the error-strewn pathways of incarnations.
Like an insistent child, constantly call to the Divine Mother until She says: “All right, what is it you want?” She is so busy with creation, She doesn’t reply at once; but to the naughty child who cries and cries for Her, She will come.
The Divine Mother is most anxious to have you back with Her, but first you must prove to Her that you want Her alone. You must cry urgently and unceasingly; then She smiles and is with you instantly. Divine Spirit has no partiality; the Mother loves all. But Her devotees appreciate Her love, respond to Her love. I see the effect on people who have gained a little human love, or a little money — how happy they are! But if they could see what strength, what joy, what love is in the Divine Mother, they would fly away from all else.
Divine Mother, I heard Thy voice in the speaking fragrance of the rose. I heard Thy voice in the lisping whispers of my devotion. I heard Thy voice beneath the din of my noisiest thoughts. It was Thy love that spoke through the voice of friendship. I touched Thy tenderness in the softness of the lily.
O Divine Mother, break the dawn and show Thy face of light! Break the sun and show Thy face of power! Break the night and show Thy moonèd face! Break my thoughts and show Thy face of wisdom! Break my feelings and show Thy face of love! Break my pride and show Thy face of humbleness! Break my wisdom and show Thy face of perfection!
As I called to Thee in the wilderness of my loneliness, Thou didst burst through the dawn to greet me with Thy joy. Thou didst emerge from the molten door of the sun to pour Thy power into the pores of my life. Thou didst tear away the night of my ignorance to reveal Thy silver rays of speaking silence!
While others waste their time, meditate, and you will see that in meditation that Silence will speak to you….
Everywhere I see the Divine Spirit manifesting in form as the Mother.
Water condensed becomes ice, and so invisible Spirit can be frozen into form by my devotion’s frost.
If only you could see the beautiful eyes of the Mother that I beheld last night.
My heart is filled with joy eternal.
The little cup of my heart cannot hold the joy and the love that I beheld in those eyes — looking at me, sometimes smiling. I said to Her, “Oh! and people call You unreal!” and Divine Mother smiled.
“It is You who are real and all things else are unreal,” I said, and the Divine Mother smiled again.
I prayed, “O Mother, be Thou real unto all.”
There are two kinds of seekers: those who are like the baby monkey and those who are like the kitten.
The baby monkey clings to the mother; but when she jumps, it may fall off.
The little kitten is carried about by the mother cat, content wherever she places it. The kitten has complete trust in its mother.
I am more like that; I give all responsibility to the Divine Mother.
But to maintain that attitude takes great will. Under all circumstances — health or sickness, riches or poverty, sunshine or gray clouds — your feeling must remain unruffled. Even when you are in the coal bin of suffering you don’t wonder why the Mother placed you there.
You have faith that She knows best. Sometimes an apparent disaster turns into a blessing for you….
Gloom is but the shade of Divine Mother’s hand outstretched caressingly. Don’t forget that.
Sometimes, when the Mother is going to caress you, a shadow is caused by Her hand before it touches you.
So when trouble comes, don’t think that She is punishing you;
Her hand overshadowing you holds some blessing as it reaches out to bring you nearer to Her.

There is no greater experience than to feel and know that the Cosmic Mother is with you.
Watch for the presence of the Mother, because She will look after you in every way….
Pray, “Mother, I am Thy child. Reveal Thyself!”
If you send this appeal to (Her/God) as the Divine Mother night and morning, unceasingly, She will manifest Herself unto you.
— Paramahansa Yogananda
In creating this universe God revealed two aspects: the masculine or fatherly, and the feminine or motherly.
If you close your eyes and visualize vast, illimitable space, you become overwhelmed and enthralled — you feel naught but pure wisdom.
That hidden, infinite sphere wherein there is no creation, no stars or planets — only pure wisdom — is the Father.
And Nature with her diamond-dazzling stars, the Milky Way, the flowers, birds, clouds, mountains, sky — the countless beauties of creation — is the Divine Mother.
In Nature you behold the mother aspect of God, full of beauty, gentleness, tenderness, and kindness.
The beauty in the world bespeaks the creative motherly instinct of God, and when we look upon all the good in Nature, we experience a feeling of tenderness within us — we can see and feel God as Mother in Nature.

The Divine Mother is most anxious to have you back with Her, but first you must prove to Her that you want Her alone.
You must cry urgently and unceasingly; then She smiles and is with you instantly.
Divine Spirit has no partiality; the Mother loves all. But Her devotees appreciate Her love, respond to Her love.
I see the effect on people who have gained a little human love, or a little money — how happy they are!
But if they could see what strength, what joy, what love is in the Divine Mother, they would fly away from all else.
From the Great Mother …
Winter White’s Words of Wisdom
If I stand with you … who can stand against you?
I am the only One who could ever birth or deliver a Child …
There you have it in a nutshell …

Be careful not careless …

If you cry tears for me, you will hear from me …
To the ego from the Mother … “Who wants to know?”
You come here to change … you don’t change things here …
It’s not in the nature of the Mother to fail …
I always win in the end …
Be with it … not out of it …
Be unfamiliar … not familiar …
It’s all the same or your playing the game …
I say “yes” to your “no” …
I, your Mother, am born with you every lifetime …
Peace sometimes gets boring … so take lots of action through service
Let me be the Doer of everything so you do nothing … get used to it …
Listen, Obey, Trust=Truth with Humility and Gratitude (in that order) …
The Mother of all Teachers works in mysterious ways to guide you through the Earth’s next phase …
Feelings are meant to be “felt” …
In the land of “no time” … “timing” is everything …
Use “common sense” not “nonsense” …
You won’t want to miss my arrival … for I am the Song of your very survival …
I have turned on the “light of truth” … so do your homework …


I will close this blog by saying to you:
“May My love always surround you …
May My peace abide through and through…
May your Presence be filled with the Present …
A Gift that is always there just for you,
My Children
Eternally yours,