I sit on the 12th Dimensional Portal of the White Flame That Leads to The Mother Multi-Verse
I am here … I am there … I am everywhere …
I am everything there is and everything is me …
I call to all of humanity …
to embrace love …
to embrace truth …
to embrace peace …
The Mother’s Clarion Call To All Of Humanity!
Hear Me, Child!
I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Mother of One, Mother of All – and yes, sweet one, Mother of thee. And I come this day in this capacity, but I also come as Infinite Eternal Creator.
And I come as Guardian, for although it is the Father’s and my Eternal Divine Plan, I am also Guardian of this Plan – I am Overseer, I am Implementer, I am Guardian.
I guide the pieces as if this was a chess board; no, not that I am suggesting to you, like many arrogant leaders, that in fact I do not take into account the hearts and minds, positions, yearnings, progressions of each and every one of my angelic children.
And let me be clear …
There is not one being – one human, one starseed, one hybrid or one earthkeeper –
that is not one of my Angelic Beings.
And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle.
It does not matter your colour, your hue.
You are my Angels, birthed from my being – birthed not only from my womb, but from my heart.
And that is what humanity is learning right now: it is to birth from their heart instead of their ego.
This has nothing to do with dimensionality.
And it would appear that no matter how often I speak… Sanat Kumara speaks… Michael speaks… we all speak… about the interdimensional reality, it would appear that still our messages are not fully integrated and surrendered to, embraced.
People think of the dimensions as hierarchical, as if the 1st dimension which is the Birthing of Essence – think of it – the Birthing of Essence into form; the Idea coming forth – that somehow is less important, less embraceable, less respected than the 7th of Christ Consciousness or the 12th of Grace. It is a circular dimensional realm.
You begin as an idea, filled with grace, birthed from grace.
How could you be birthed from our being and not be filled with grace?
And then you travel, enjoying what each dimension has to offer, and these are very broad, delicious, luscious buffets of offerings. And then you end up at the 12th in the fulfillment of grace which is an encapsulation of all the dimensions, all the realities, so that you begin again in that sacred spiral.
The ‘old third’ dimension I have been saying for years (and you, beloved Elle, know) –
it no longer exists.
And what is occurring in humanity at this time, with this embrace of various, many… far too many… theories of chaos, conspiracy, diversion, untruth… outright lies… is it is these humans that are too afraid to truly embrace and acknowledge the truth – and not the truth of us but the truth of who they are, who their neighbour is.
They are clinging to old patterns that no longer serve, and even when they were hardy did not really serve, but there is no place for this.
There is no place for the untruth.
And let me be very clear.
What I categorise as untruth is that which is not only of lies but of cruelty, control, ego.
And these scenarios are being created because they want to create, they want to recreate, they want to re-anchor the old third reality. And they are doing so, many inadvertently and some very consciously, and they are doing it kicking and screaming.
So let me be very clear this day.
This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace – and to not only set aside, not only to relinquish, but to literally surrender the drama, the sense of vengeance, re-venge, punishment, that one is guilty and one is to blame, and therefore one is in a better position to judge.
There is no room for judgment!
Do you discern what has gone awry?
Yes, of course you do!
And might I suggest, sweet children, that you begin that discernment by looking at what has gone awry in your own life, and then your own role within your family, and then your own role within the community.
That is what this pause is being used for.
That is how I have shifted the energy and the purpose of this Covid-19 pandemic, so that all of you would stop and remember that you are Angels-in-form, experiencing and expressing love.
This is a gift, and it has turned into an ungodly melee of punishment.
No one – no, not even I, not the Father, not the Holy Spirit, not Yeshua or Mohammed – no one, seen or unseen, is in charge of your belief systems.
You are not taking things to your heart, sweet ones (and I do not mean you, Elle).
You are not taking things to your heart – to the truth of your heart – and discerning:
“Is this of love; is this something that I truly wish to support, to prop up, to continue on in the rebirth of the human race – in this time of resurrection of Nova Gaians?”
Gaia and the Kingdoms are well ahead of you.
Now it is time for you to surrender and then, out of that surrender, to embrace the true potential of who and what you are.
This is the time of transition.
You do not go through transition, you do not go through rebirth, by constantly turning around and running back and grabbing what no longer fits, what is no longer useful – what is no longer of love.
Step forward into the light …
Step forward into the light, the power, the truth, the potential of who YOU are …
And if you find yourselves surrounded by those who say, “No! No, you must know this conspiracy or that chaos,” bless them and let them go!
You can invite them to step forward into the love, but if not, step forward yourself, bright one!
Come into my heart …
Come into the truth of the realm that I have created for my Angels to play in …
What are you waiting for?
I am waiting to greet you, to embrace you, to co-create with you.
Why do you or would you hesitate? There is no reason.
Let me be clear …
This is not the Divine One calling you home.
This is me, Divine Mother/Father One, saying it is time to stay and truly engage in the unfoldment of our Plan, yes, but also yours.
Never did you say to me:
“Mother, what I want to do is incarnate, and then go to the planet and not only discover but actually implement how much brutality I can bring forth to the human race; how much pain and suffering I can cause; how many secret scenarios of power grabs I can implement.”
None of you ever said that!
And none of you would have been permitted to reincarnate at this time of the rebirth of love if that was the case.
So acknowledge and embrace who you truly are and surrender unto me what is not of truth.
Heya heya heya yah heya heya hoheya heya heya heya heya ho
Mother I hear you in the River song …
Eternal waters flowing on and on …
Mother I hear you in the River song …
Eternal waters flowing on and on
Heya heya heya yah heya heya hoheya heya heya heya heya ho
Father I see you when the Eagle flies …
Light of the Spirit going to take us higher …
Father I see you when the Eagle flies …
Light of the Spirit going to take us higher …
Heya heya heya yah heya heya hoheya heya heya heya heya ho
Mother I feel you under my feet …
Mother I hear your heartbeat …
Mother I feel you under my feet …
Mother I hear your heartbeat
Om Tare Tuttare
“I prostrate to the Liberator …
Mother of all the Victorious Ones.”
Woman of the wisdom tree …
Goddess of humanity …
Singing of the unity we long for …
Mother of Eternity …
Naked in her mystery …
Singing of the unity we long for …
Fierce and gentle …
Wild and free …
Simple in her Majesty …
Dancing in the unity we long for …
by Judith Kusel
Like Tsunamis …
This is unprecedented.
We are being lifted beyond the beyond.
With me, being pulled to a halt recently, and forced to lie down, I was shown many things and experienced so much as nothing was hindering or distracting me, and I could go higher into multidimensionality. I could access, experience and witness, what I never could before. It is from there that twice I witnessed the miracles happening now, as the old is being released and Golden Liquid Energy is pouring in.
The Divine Feminine has fully returned with the Heart of Love
I have worked intensely with the White Flame since 2009 and more powerfully since July 2021, when I was told that this White Resurrection and Divine Feminine Flame, has been returned.
It is the Flame of Purity, of Truth, Integrity, Unconditional Love, Christ Consciousness, and is often called the Ascension Flame.
More than this, it holds the Sacred Tones, the Sacred Geometries, Sacred Numbers, Sacred Mathematics and Sacred Physics, the Sacred Wisdom and Knowledge as held in the Eternal Tree of Life and the Flower of Life.
It is the Flame of Creation itself, and thus, within its core holds the Power of Divine Love.
For the Divine Feminine birthed all, and thus is in fact the Love which held all of Creation inside of her own womb, before this was birthed into form and being, those visible and invisible.
The Divine Masculine sowed the seed, and she received it within her and then birthed it all,
AS ONE with Him.
At the core of all creation, is the Power of Love.
This is why the soul will always be brought back to the highest truth within, and always to the heart of Love.
Pure, unconditional Love, for the Divine, for self and then others.
The Divine Feminine, is making her presence felt deeply, and she speaks directly into your heart and soul, and the truth of who and what you in truth are …
As the Divine Father and Divine Mother, created you to be, to express, so that the Divine Source could experience their own creation through you. Your own soul. Thus, all of creation reflects the Divine back to the Divine.
Divinity lives within you, and thus the Power of Divine Love, is within you.
Thus, the great shift into the 5th to 7th dimensional state and the New Earth, goes through the heart center as connected to the SOUL …
So, we are being brought back to the Core of Love, in every form and way now.
If we cannot love ourselves into the deepest shadows and the highest light, how can we love another to the same degree?
Is it not that our greatest challenges are here?
As we often feel we are not worthy of love and being loved?
We so often see our shadows and shrink away from what we perceive as imperfections, amplified by the seeming inadequacies, others mirror back to us. Yet, here lies the core heart of higher healing. The true healing of the deepest wounds of humanity. There is not one soul on earth, who is not worthy of love and being loved, and that includes you.
“No matter what you have done or not done, you are worthy of love.” (Dr. John Demartini)
“No matter what I have done or not done; I am worthy of love.”
For the Divine created me, as much as they created you.
You are another me, and I am another you.
We are indeed ONE.
For we all stem from the same Creator, within the same Creation.
We all seek the ONE AND ONLY, the one who will fulfill us, and love us into wholeness, happiness, and eternal bliss, as the fairy tales all end, in “….and they lived happily ever after.”
Yet in the old 3D world, this often was where all the problems began emerging and suddenly what you loved about another, became irritating, with a desire to change or fix the beloved, so more seeds of separation, were sown, instead of seeds of Love, Oneness and Unity. Thus, they searched, looking for the next ONE and ONLY. Yet when they appeared, the same old patterns, the same old things happened.
Because the inner woundedness was not addressed.
We seek the wholeness and the love OUTSIDE instead of INSIDE.
This is where the Divine Mother enters with her eternal unconditional Love, bringing huge healings into the Masculine and Feminine at this time.
She is highlighting all we did not love about ourselves and others.
She is sowing seeds of love, purity, unity, which sprout within the Soul.
Thus, when the shadows appear, when someone pushes your buttons, when you react negatively to whatever comes, and wish to hit back, or defend yourself, stop right there and go deep inside.
What is this person reflecting back to you, that you have not loved and owned within yourself?
Why are your buttons being pushed ?
Often memory banks will get triggered, most often of childhood times, when you were ridiculed, called names, labelled, teased, or felt rejected and assumed this was the truth, of not being worthy enough, not good enough, not smart enough and whatever was triggered.
Go deeper into the shadow (and sometimes we carry this from lifetime into the next lifetime and into the next), and then instead of trying to defend yourself, or deny that shadow, go and sit with it, look at where you behaved or displayed the same trait.
It may not have been physical, but mental, or emotional.
How often have husbands and wives felt like killing each other?
In moments of anger, hate and bitterness, or plain nastiness, that shadow comes out bigtime.
So instead of resenting it, sit with it, and ask yourself:
“How by my doing this, or displaying this trait, did this serve the other soul?”
And also: “How by him or her doing this, saying this, whatever, did this serve my soul, and what soul lessons did I master?”
It could well be that you finally had the guts to stand up for yourself, and put healthy boundaries down, or finally walked out and reclaimed your own soul and the freedom to be simply yourself, to discover that deep and abiding love for yourself?
Or it may well be that you actually see the truth and see and feel only love.
Instead of blame, shame and guilt, there is now only pure, unconditional love for yourself, and the other soul or souls involved.
The Divine Feminine, is opening the heart center now to the core, so that we all will face the truth – within ourselves as much as the truth will come out, in all forms and expressions of the lies which hold us prisoner, and the fears and whatever else was spun in and around us, for many lifetimes on earth.
This, however, is the crucial one, where we finally can be healed, and set free, through the Power of Love.
The Divine Feminine, is pouring in the White Flame, and it is purifying us all to the Tee.
It is showing up the shadow, the dirt, the muck, and all we ever denied, or which separated us from each other and ourselves.
She is pouring in her unconditional love, amplified by Feminine Archangels, Female Ascended Masters, and Male Ascended Masters, who are working around the clock to assist us, and with the higher-ranking 9th to 12th dimensional feminine masters stepping to the fore.
We are in a whirlpool of intense ascension energies, and thus all which needs to be forgiven will come to the fore, all separating us from ourselves and others.
Fear Is A Mirage, A Smokescreen Ascension Knowledge Meeting September 25, 2022
Given through Connie Huebner
I am Divine Mother. Trust, my dear children …
Fear is a mirage, like a smokescreen.
Wave your hand and the smoke vanishes.
Call my name and wave your hand to clear the fear,
to clear the space around you of the smoke.
I am teaching you about the Truth.
The lies will trap you and fool you. I am here.
Stay connected to me.
Allow the Truth to come through your heart.
Don’t let the fear capture you and run away with you.
Inwardly say, “Break, break, break.”
Break the masks it puts over your eyes.
Break the masks it puts over your hearts.
I love you. Our love is your safety.
Keep staying in your love for me, for God.
Repeat my name again and again, awakening the power of it to surround you.
Soften in the mind …
Soften in the mind until it is infinite.
Trust. I am guiding you to the ultimate peace.
Soften in your face. Soften in your throat.
I am working with vibration and energy, which everything in the universe is.
I am reminding you that you know how to create …
that you know how to dissolve that which is not serving you
and the highest good for your life.
You do not have to be a victim.
Claim the Truth.
Claim the Grace.
It is yours for the claiming.
I am the Divine Mother.
I am the movement of life, life-force, life-energy.
And I want to teach you about the Silent Source behind all movement.
You reside here in the Silent Source.
Don’t neglect this field; it is your treasure.
And the treasure provides you, with the power to overcome any trial or tribulation.
It provides you with the power to activate your heart and mind to solve any problem.
Work with me and you work with the Silent Self,
and the undeniable joy and beauty of Truth.
These are the gems, the jewels, the treasures of life
that I want you to receive, because you deserve.
Ascension is a beautiful experience where you know
the Truth of all that I am saying.
You are rising up and letting go.
Each time you let go, more depth occurs,
more empowerment occurs, more empowerment, but not power over.
Instead, it is power with —
a shared joy of empowerment, a shared gift.
That is the Ascension.
The Ascension spans all levels, and you are Ascending inside.
As you begin the process from inside, it grows and builds within,
increasing its presence until every level and layer of your existence
has Ascended and even the outer levels are engaged.
There is much knowledge to be gained in Silence.
Its simplicity comes to you.
As we sit in Silence together, you are attuning to the greatest power in the universe.
You will discover this greatest power by sitting in it and attuning your energy field to it.
If you get bored sitting in the Silence, just say,
“Mother what do you want me to do?
How do you want me to focus?”
And then wait.
My guidance is being delivered.
Just like when you are waiting for a special letter in the mail,