Winter White Blog Part I … Winter White’s Lesson on Archetypes


The Rise Of The Divine Feminine …

 And the Healing Of The Earth …



Prayer to Our Divine Mother …

“Bring Forth That for Which I’m Striving.

Help Me To Let You Take Me in Your Hand.

The Power which Controls Power is Love.

The Great Adventure, the Fantastic Ride, the Unknown Ride”.

from Gregoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent

‘To grant you deliverance, My children, I have come with all My Powers.”  

I am your Great Teacher and Friend …

My question to you is …

“Do You Have Time To Be My Friend?”

“Welcome My Children to Part I of my Winter Blog.  

I first must begin by defining “Archetype” for you and tell you at the same time, that I, Winter White, am an Archetype for children, in order for them to learn all about me in a very simple but detailed way.  

I always like to keep things simple by saying …

There you have it “in a nutshell”.

So here we go off into the Archetype of Winter White and

Winter White Snow …  

I will tell you of the Great Mother you, in truth, all know.  

Come with Me to a place where …

“Children Have Never Stopped Dreaming” …  

“Who will listen to My Song …  

Who will truly hear its tune?  

For its much deeper than the ocean …

And higher than the moon …  

The heart will understand …  

What the mind can’t comprehend …  

The Messages of Forever Truths …  

The Message That I Send …

“Just as a reservoir is of little use when the whole countryside is flooded, scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman who sees the Mother everywhere.”

On the Nature of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit

“The ancients, not versed in the polished language of modern times, used ‘Holy Ghost’ and ‘Word’ for Intelligent Cosmic Vibration, which is the first materialization of God the Father in matter [i.e., The Mother]. The Hindus speak of this Holy Ghost as the ‘Aum'” (41) Holy Ghost, Aum of the Hindus, the Mohammedan Amin, the Christian Amen, Voice of Many Waters, Word, are the same thing.”

“The spiritual Phenomenon called the Divine Mother has always been deeply interesting to spiritual seekers. Known to sages and saints throughout history, it is the Divine Mother whom we in the West address as the Holy Spirit and Mother Nature. In India, Hindus address Her as Shakti, Maya, Kali, and Durga.

She is also known as Wisdom, Aum, Amen, the Word of God. By whatever name we refer to Her, She is an actual Entity that exists and can be directly experienced.

 The Mother’s nature is one of the unfathomable mysteries of life. Nothing can be said about Her directly or positively. Almost everything that can be said of Her must be couched in metaphors; She is described in terms of waves, clouds, lights, fire, voices, music, though She is none of these. I know of no other way to discuss Her than metaphorically. 

Her existence preceded language. Therefore it stands to reason that She operates without recourse to or dependence on words. As I am led to believe, no amount of intellectual understanding can substitute for a direct and personal experience of Her.  

The subject of The Mother’s identity can be very dense.

Even arriving at the generalities presented here required the matching of many pieces of a large and complex spiritual puzzle.”

“I Am”

I am deeper than the sea, yet the stars all look up at me.

I am stranger than fiction and even before since time began …

Understand and know, you are just as I am, too.

You are everything there is and, everything is you.

In your darkness, see the light.  You can find me within sight.

Deep within your inner mind … I am what you will find.

I am a part of everyone just as you are, too.  And everyone there is, I am.   I am part of you.

In your darkness, see the light … you can find me within sight.

Deep within your inner mind … I am what you will find.

I am part of everyone just as you are, too.  And everyone there is, I am.  I am part of you.

Definition of Archetypes:

archetype. [(ahr-ki-teyep)] An original model after which other similar things are patterned. In the psychology of Carl Jung, archetypes are the images, patterns, and symbols that rise out of the collective unconscious and appear in dreams, mythology, and fairy tales.

Archetype | Definition of Archetype by Merriam-Webster

Archetype definition is – the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies : prototype.

Archetype definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

An archetype is something that is considered to be a perfect or typical example of a particular kind of person or thing, because it has all their most important characteristics.






The aspect of God that is active in creation; the shakti, or power, of the Transcendent Creator. Other terms for this aspect of Divinity are Aum, Shakti, Holy Ghost, Cosmic Intelligent Vibration, Nature or Prakriti. Also, the personal aspect of God embodying the love and compassionate qualities of a mother. The Hindu scriptures teach that God is both immanent and transcendent, personal and impersonal. He may be sought as the Absolute; as one of His manifest eternal qualities, such as love, wisdom, bliss, light; in the form of an ishta (deity); or as Father, Mother, or Friend. — Read more:

From the East –  Guan Yin or Kuan Yin

From Native American – Mother Earth

Winter White is another among many, a complete Archetype of the Divine Mother that expresses in terms of child-like energy.  

She sits on the twelfth dimension of

“Midnight” on the Clock of Seasons …

The twelfth dimension color at that position is (Winter) White …  

She represents “Death/Sleep” and “Transformation”

“The Mother dwells in the hearts of all creatures and whirls them round upon the Wheel of Maya.  

Run to Her for refuge with all your strength, and peace profound will be yours through Her grace.”

They are forever free who renounce all selfish desires and break away from the ego cage of “I”, “me”, and “mine” to be united with the Mother.  

This is the supreme state.  

Attain to this, and pass from Death to Immortality …

Shri Krishna/Bhagavad Gita

For Christians:

 In the apocryphal Acts of Saint Thomas, the Holy Spirit is (rightly) invoked as ‘hidden Mother,’ ‘Mother of all life.’

These statements should help us to recognize the true wisdom of the early gnostics and Syrian fathers who grasped something of the identity …

(Holy Spirit = Mother = Energy.) 

A new light on the intriguing dialogue between Lord Jesus Christ and Nicodemus:

‘Truly, Truly, I say to you unless one is born anew, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.’ Nicodemus said to him, ‘how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?’ Jesus answered

‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the (Holy) Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God’ – John 3.3

The necessity to return to the Divine Mother (Holy Spirit) in order to become a New Adam, a second born, a Divine Child has been asserted by Lord Jesus.

It is time that those western seekers who have engaged themselves in intellectual pursuits use their intellect to discover the Unity of the message of the various mythologies and religions; they had better realize the greatness of the Christian promise and the value of the other world religions.

 It is time for us to discover that the true object of Knowledge is integration. All the great religions are one. This is revealed by actualization when our own integration takes place through rebirth.

Children Have Never Stopped Dreaming

 She is the Great Mother …

She is Compassionate …

 She is Wise Beyond all Wisdom …

She is The Sacred Feminine …

She is the Divine Mother To Her Children …

She is eternal and She is eternally yours if you choose Her … 

“Only through Her compassionate meditation can the finite human being regain Infinity. And that is indeed the very blessing that She wants to graciously bestow on Her children.”

She has three other aspects/archetypes on the Clock of Seasons …

Sweet Spring 

Sweet Spring is Her Aspect of Birth and Renewal …

Summer Blue  

Summer Blue is Her Aspect of Preservation, Nurturing and Growth …

and Autumn Gold …

Autumn Gold is Her Aspect of Harvesting and Reaping and Destruction…

Then the circle turns once again to Winter which leads to Death and Rebirth into Life Once More …

‘Victory to Her the Primordial Power, the seed from which sprouts hereafter the entire creation, static and kinetic universes, the eternal, the incomparable, who is of the nature of Her own bliss, and who manifests as a mirror to Her (SHEva) self.’

The Heavens declare the Glory of the Mother …


The skies proclaim the work of Her Hands …


The Dwelling or Settling of the Divine Presence of the Mother …

The Mother Comes Now in All Her Glory …


Replaces the He, Him, His in the Old Old Story called History …

She is All There Is or Ever Will Be …

For the “he” is in “She …

The “man” is in “Woman” …

The “male” is in “Female” …  

The “Her” is in “Teacher” …

“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you’re connected to the Power that created (birthed) you.”  

“The Holy Spirit had to come …

with Her mouth …

with Her voice …

and with Her Intelligence …

that is intelligible to you with the knowledge of everything”.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sacred Prayer to the Divine Mother
My Dear beautiful Mother … I love you …
I know you live inside my heart …
My Heart craves for your Love …
Place your hand of Grace upon me …
Wash away from me all that has been difficult …
Restore me … Mother …
Restore me … Mother …
Make me whole again … My Beautiful Mother
Let me drink from the Everlasting waters of your Love …
Open the door to my Soul …
Open the door to my Soul …

Make My Heart One with Your Heart …

Coming Next – The Holy Spirit Mystery …

The Finale –

“The Final Show Goes Down”


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