Musical Focuses on “Magic of Winter”

As, I, Winter Whitewinter

move on through my season, I would like to share more of my winter time…play time with all of you.

Act I


A Winter Night in a Small Town

Winter White turns to introduce her friend, Old Jack Frost

The sky is lit with swaying stars and Moon Beaming has not yet awakened for the night.

Old Jack Frost:  Hello, I am OLD JACK FROST and on your nose and toes I bite.  

I come out when it’s cold in the crispy winter day or the cold dark winter night.

But, never worry…never fear…just dress warmly…this time of year.

I will not bite if you’re dressed warm…

Your nose and toes are far from harm.

Besides, Winter White watches Old Jack Frost

if I bite too hard…on my ear I’ll be tossed.

(Winter White lovingly takes hold of Old Jack Frost’s ear and shakes it a bit and smiles)

The spotlight fades from Old Jack Frost and moves to The Clouds Steaming.

(The Clouds Steaming introduce themselves)

The Clouds Steaming:  Hello, we are The Clouds Steaming…(they wink and take a bow)

Hear their song here…

We are The Clouds Steaming…our job is in the sky next to Moon Beaming.

(Spotlight fades from The Cloud Steamings and moves to Moon Beaming)

Moon Beaming yawns and stretches in the sky above and begins to wake up…

Moon Beaming:  Hello, I am Moon Beaming.  

(She tips her head and shines her light flash out into the audience)

I hang in the sky only at night…and I say “hi” sending moonbeams of light.

(Moonbeams come down from her light flash)

I sing a song “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark” so the children can sleep so sound…for in the night

there should be no fright…only happy dreams to be found.  Moon Beaming sings her song.

Hear Moon Beaming’s song here:

After she finishes her song, she continues to sing and dance across the sky.

Moon Beaming:  When I come out at night, I say “hello” and when I go down I say “goodbye”.

When the children are snug and fast asleep, they never see nor hear moonbeams creep.

So every night, I sing and dance…for, perhaps, there might be a chance…

of reaching the children so they might hear…the music from another sphere…sent on moonbeams through the night…

what you down there would call “moonlight”.

I’ll sing and dance until it’s clear…when all children there clearly hear…

the music that Moon Beaming sings…so in their ears a new song rings…

Ever clear…ever bright…like moonbeams golden light…

The difference between day and night and knowing in their hearts right from wrong and wrong from right.

I send you love…I send you light…my song beams music through the night…all through the winter night.

(After Moon Beaming finishes talking to the sleeping children, her eyes roll to look at Winter White who drifts back out of the icy fog into the spotlight)

Winter White misses the children when they are “away in their dreams”.

Listen to Winter White and Old Jack Frost sing “Away in a Dream” here:

After Winter White and Old Jack Frost sing “Away in a Dream”…all the characters look at the children who are still sleeping.

  The houses that have shown the children sleeping inside become dark as the lights begin to dim…

Stay tuned for…

Act II

 A Winter Day in a Small Town

To be cont’d…


Background Information

In 1997 Gabrielle’s Winter Musical “Do You Have Time to Be My Friend” premiered and came alive on stage with 100 children from area schools. The play was produced and directed by Letha Fulton’s School of Dance where dancers performed the play in ballet.

Gabrielle was asked to attend the double performance on a Saturday evening and a Sunday matinee.

She was interviewed by the local newspaper via phone and then she flew to Michigan traveling first by airplane and then the rest of the trip by bus.

Gabrielle had been told that a portion of the proceeds of the play would be donated to the Women’s and Children’s local shelter.

The headline in the newspaper read:


The article went on to say that the dance students felt “winter” was something to “celebrate”.  

The performers focused on the winter characters through song, drama, and dance.

Through dreamy magical characters, this play teaches children about the season of “rest”…sleeping and dreaming…waiting for spring to break through.

I have always felt that we can help change the violence in the world by teaching children positive, self-image, imagination, and creativity.

These characters in the Winter Musical are caring, feeling, understanding characters.  

There is also a part for the “children” in the musical to just play themselves…

that way they experience the joy of just being who they are as they make snowballs, angels in the snow, and dance and sing with the Snowman they built.

In December of 2003 “Do You Have Time to Be My Friend?” was produced for Grace House in Northern Colorado to a smaller audience.

The program handed out expressed the Winter Musical in the following words:

“Life is a Song…sing it…Let your whole life be a Song…live it…

Let melody and harmony surge up from your hearts and let all take delight in the love that you express through Song”.

I have an idea…

Let’s have an “Imagination Celebration” adventure this winter…

About Gabrielle


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