Cryptically yours, Winter White

A cryptic message from Winter White…winter

If you will notice the first three letters of my name spells “win”…This is very important because “win” is in the present tense as I am always  present and in the “present tense of presence”.  

Along with flowing, going, snowing, showing, growing, blowing, playing, etc. the word “winning” is now added.  

Won is in the past tense and there are those who have said to me (in the past…pardon the pun) “they have to won it all” even more, they turn the word won into “own”.  

If I, Winter White, win in each present moment, there is no need to “won it all” by those who have a history of steam rolling over whomever in order to do so for monetary gain and fame…what a shame…ultimately it will all be in vain.

Taking things creatively over many years that don’t belong to you, like ideas hidden in a story or in a song…you “Darth Vader” are oh so wrong.  You may think you are smart…you may think you are clever…but clever and smart will never “win” ever.

I can tell you without a doubt…no matter what you steal…no matter what you spend… that, I,  Winter White, will “win in the end” as I keep rolling along speaking my mantra of no hurry, no scurry…no flurry.  You better be the one that begins to “worry”.

This is a blog that most won’t understand since you don’t nor will you ever know the entire grand story.

I, Winter White, am “here” now and everything from this point on will lead to the ultimate truth, a victory and glory.  

I flow and I go and I’m never “frozen“.  I have been mimicked and imitated but I can tell you truly this work has been “chosen“.

The word “frozen” is used in my poem given long ago in 1989 and the line goes like this:

A small town lay between two lakes…frozen, chosen where children skate…

I, Winter White, was talking about the small town that was frozen so the children could have fun in my Winter Wonderland of Snow…this is a place children love to go.  

With me, WW, “Children Have Never Stopped Dreaming”…with “DV” at the helm “Children Have Never Stopped Screaming”.

There is one thing that, I know to be true…I shared my story in 2001 with someone unknown to most of you.

I, Winter White, decided it wasn’t the right time…it wasn’t the right place to share my story…to share my face…to share my rhyme.  

I, Winter White, had two Knights in Shining Armor…two bold Knights named Wynn and Summers who warned and warned me about the glamour.  

Don’t sign anything that ties you to the “someone unknown” for “Darth Vader” could be behind the scene…yet to be shown.

I have this in writing from this time long ago…it is more evident now as truth continues to roll out with the “Darth Vader Show”.

I, Winter White, listened to the Knights bold and true and I didn’t sign my name on the dotted contract line with ink colored blue…

A week or so later as time goes and flows…a newspaper revealed the truth the Knights through loyalty had bestowed…

Darth Vader raised his ugly head, plunked down many millions to “won it all” and even though I had listened to the Knights beckoned call, it was too late… for my original idea lay within “Darth Vader’s Gate”.

Several years passed…many seasons came and went…but the idea lay in waiting for money to be spent.

Let’s put it this way…my story strong and true where “Vader” did some addition, some subtraction but I, Winter White, still shown through.

A quick animated attempt with poor quality abounding showed Winter White’s essence had been lost…it was now so apparently transparent…it was now so astounding.

Even so “Darth Vader” got fatter and fatter on the idea that was taken…that old “Madder Hatter”…that sad “Madder Hatter” that greedy “Fat Catter”.  

A billion-dollar idea that was sent everywhere to folks of all kind…an idea taken by “Mad Hatter…Fat Catter” in his unscrupulous mind.

I, Winter White, and my circle so true is not about money…I can promise you…as the circle spins slower and time moves on through each season…you will come to know all that is cryptic as truth is revealed…that is the purpose…that is the reason. 

So, my story in truth can never be taken…it can’t be mimicked…it can’t be shaken…it’s pure and it’s beauty is true from the start…in my play “Darth Vader” falls…in my play that’s his part.

The truth of the story…the truth of  I, Winter White,…my story can never be stolen for it lives in the heart.   

There is more to this story to be told later on…more pieces to the puzzle to be told in story and song…

I, Winter White, am circling the square…it’s almost time for you, the children, to be there…See you soon

P.S.  From this day forward, you are now on notice, “Darth Vader”.



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