Summer Blue
“Welcomes You to the Fragrance of Eden” …
Oh, Mother God, Blessed Be
(allow a few moments for music to download)
by Karen Drucker
(Buy music at
Thus begun with my Summer Blue Sun
The Way of One …
Who is caught “between the Suns” of a
“Dying and Dawning Day” …
“The Dying of the Old/Patriarchal Sun and the Dawning of the New/Feminine Summer Blue Sun”
For those who awaken …
You will not fail … You will not fall …
“Where We Go One … We Will Go All”
In order to go Forward … We have to go Back to 2012 …
*Venus Transit* …
Astrology & Symbolism …
June 5th -June 6th, 2012 …
The Return of the Feminine!
I’m sure you have heard about this rare astronomical event called a VENUS TRANSIT which happened on JUNE 5th, 2012 right after
the LUNAR ECLIPSE/ FULL MOON in Sagittarius on June 4th, 2012!
What happened?
In most basic terms, Venus moved across the face of the sun which appeared like a small black dot in front of the sun. This occurrence was called a “Venus transit” and happens in pairs, with 8 years in between.
The first one (in our lifetime) occurred in 2004 and the second one was June 5, 2012!
We will not experience this again in our lifetime!
This is considered a rare astronomical event because we only experience a Venus Transit every 121.5 or so years.
One of the many magical things about this is that the path that Venus took between the first transit and the second (8 years)
makes a perfect five pointed star (pentagram).
The symbolism of this and the spiritual significance of Venus, which has represented love and harmony for numerous cultures, is abundant.
This Venus Transit was a highly anticipated cosmic event by the Ancient Maya who saw this as a mark point in time that would herald the great shift leading up to 12-21-12.
So what does this all mean for us?
We entered a new era, the Divine Feminine is rising,
coming forth within each one of us to heal and bring into right balance and right relation our planetary family …
We are moving into HEART-based living!
Feminine qualities (venus, moon) are going to transcend into wholeness and integrate with those of the masculine (the sun).
The Feminine is rising and coming into the forefront to bring unity consciousness forth …
Can’t you see it and feel it?
There are signs everywhere!
So here is the gathered gems from some of the best readers of the stars to inform and illuminate us during these cosmic events…Gratitude for their wisdom and insights!
Here is a fantastic article from Rose Marcus and her Astrolink website …
First a technical description of what it is and then we will get the details about what the significance is:
“On June 5 or 6, 2012, depending where on the planet you live, Venus crossed the face of the sun.
This planetary alignment was called an occultation.
It is similar to an eclipse, but Venus didn’t totally block our view, rather, She appeared like a dot crossing over the face of the sun.”Â
One of the first photographs of the transit of Venus 1882
“Unlike the short interval of an eclipse which takes just under a minute to a few minutes to view, Venus took six hours to complete Her passage….”
“Those in Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, Japan and the eastern edge of Asia were able to see the event in its entirety …
Those in North and Central America were able to view the start of the transit beginning at sunset (6:10PM PDT) on June 5, 2012.”
“Although Venus and Sun meet up every couple of years, we have only witnessed this event six times in recent human history.
History says that Jeremiah Horrocks was the first human to ever witness a transit by Venus in 1639.
The next transit that was on June 5, 6 2012 will be our seventh observance…”
“The Venus/Earth orbital 3/2 ratio replicates the perfect symmetry we know as the Golden Mean.
The 2/3 ratio of a Venus day to an Earth year replicates the harmonic interval known as the perfect musical fifth (3.2), which is considered as the most universally harmonic consonant.
This frequency is received as most pleasing sound to the ear, and evokes a pleasing/welcoming emotional response…”
Ascension from 3D to 4D to 5D
“Ascension comes easier to those who exhume manufactured systems of distraction and frustration from their everyday lives, for these systems are designed to cut our soul’s umbilical cord from the divine source. Idolatry is a toll-booth between us and the road to God; embracing the Holy Spirit occurs exclusively and mutually between heart and source.
Not even the ascended master who reaches the zenith point of ascension, attaining a crystalline state, can proffer that their way is the definitive ascension model to which to aspire. Every soul’s ascension is as different as the fingerprint they materialized when they descended to this earthly plane.
The dimension arrived at through ascension must match the soul’s resonance to attract it by way of natural law.
Ascension exists as an exit point from a plane of matter for humanity to evolve by consciously raising its collective consciousness and aspiring toward reuniting with the galactic family while living on Earth or upon “death.”
Perhaps the fabric of human cosmogenesis weaves ascension DNA into our initial conception-spark to facilitate the soul’s return to the source, concluding our earth mission.
Just as the fall season …naturally makes way for winter …
the spring of each ascension is inevitable …
The fruits of summer ascension are measured by the nurturing elements one decides to plant in their life-garden.”
(Sacha Stone…The Lazarus Initiative)
The True Rulers
The Archon bloodline families wanted to dominate the world from the beginning, which required combining the forces of the 13 most influential Archon bloodline families. Professor Adam Weishaupt drew up the plan in 1773 at the request of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The ultimate goal was, and still is, one world dictatorship with one leader at the
top, based in Jerusalem, Israel. To this end, all governments and influential politicians were bribed to cooperate in this goal, without knowing what it would lead to.
Everyone involved in this buying and bribing system knows that it is in their own interest to participate, and to carry out the instructions given punctually. It is actually a worldwide epidemic, and many times worse than one can imagine. The present structure has been approved under the law of the sea. Correcting this great injustice back to land law must become the people’s top priority! The controlling shadow powers behind the central banking system, must be destroyed forever to end this global corruption and tyranny.
The real rulers in Washington DC are the invisible Luciferians and the Khazars, who exercise their power from behind the scenes.
Thanks to the Law of the Sea, the way to total dictatorship in the world can be achieved by strictly legal means, invisible and unheard by Congress or Parliament, even the President, or the people.
Officially, Constitutional governments have been implemented, but within our governments and political system another body represents a parallel form of governance, it is the bureaucratic elite that believes Constitutions are useless, because they are sure they are on the winning side of the game.
All unacceptable developments in policy agreements, such as the refugee crisis, can be traced back to this group oppressing us in order to satisfy the wishes of the secret rulers.
The crimes of Central Bankers are legendary and more numerous than can be mentioned here. By providing large loans to virtually every country and people, they have become dependent on the ‘secret’ controlling power of the Global Mafiosi. Governments that want to remain independent are vigorously dealt with and removed; their leaders are dethroned. If this is not possible by means of a political propaganda coup or economic sanctions, then the CIA, Mossad, or military force are used to achieve their goal of subjecting the country and people to the New World Order regime.
In fact, it appears that the Chinese government is also controlled by a central bank of the “Nazi Rothschild” group, which dictates and controls the flow of money throughout the world in every nation in which a central bank is located. They have thus gained complete control over all money flows. In support, they have the full 5-Eyes support that makes their authority unquestioned and unchallenged.
The rich and powerful, more precisely the banksters, abuse their power to oppress and destroy the weak, along with the entire economy. The curtain is now being drawn to fully expose the Khazarian mafia with their vicious plans to infiltrate everything, and tyrannise the entire world. So that only their Babylonian Talmudism, known as Luciferianism, the ancient Satanic Baal worship, prevails!
The world has arrived at a crossroads in civilisation. The globalists, through the political establishment, have wreaked havoc on our society, industry, culture, etc. for the purpose of enriching themselves. They have now panicked as their corruption is recognised and confirmed all over the world.
This is our last chance to save our interests and civilisation. It is now or never, by now the whole world knows that the world powers with their New World Order are out to destroy mankind by means of Covid poison injections while, the corporate media, which is not in the least interested in journalism, only spreads the promotion of the political agenda; i.e. the destruction of civilisation and mankind.
They will do whatever it takes to further spread their widespread criminality at our expense, they will stop at nothing, in their intention to destroy every living thing on earth.
The restoration of the damage done to all the peoples of our planet may take a long time. But eventually everything will be corrected, at least if the people wake up en masse and take back control, by introducing the new QFS money system and land law.
About which our extraterrestrial guest author Vital Frosi tells more below.
The entire Earth and its humanity are now experiencing a unique moment of change. This movement is called the Planetary Transition.
Everything will be very intense!
There will be profound changes in all known and unknown sectors, as the Old Earth dissolves to make way for its replacement, that is, the New Planetary Home.
Everything that has been learned, known, believed and practised will gradually cease to exist in a few years. Much has already changed, but because these changes are timed, most people do not even notice.
Compare it to your hair or fingernails: they grow constantly, but you only notice it when they are already bigger. This is how the changes from the Old Earth to the New Earth are made.
When nothing is as it used to be, I can speak of many subjects here, but today I will only devote a few thoughts to the Financial System, as it is still a basic element for the survival of all. Today, there are billions of people who are worried about their jobs, their businesses, their salaries and their basic needs to make a living.
This worry is understandable, but the assurance we have from the Higher Order that controls the Worlds is that everything is going wonderfully well, and that this is leading the Earth and her humanity into a New Age, also called the golden era.
On the New Earth there will no longer be a situation of pain and suffering, therefore there will be no scarcity of any kind. There will be abundance without limits, for those who now throw the finances out of balance will no longer exist.
The rulers, the cheaters, the exploiters, the slavers, in short, all the power that some exercise over others, will cease to exist.
And the Earth, as a Feminine Energy Source, that is, as a Mother, will give everything that her children need.
Finally, the time of Abundance and Prosperity has come!
All dominating powers will be dissolved and competition will cease to exist to make way for co-operation.
The only certainty we have for now is that no one can know in advance, for several reasons.
And the main reason is that it is not a system known to any human being, since it is a Quantum programme created outside the Earth.
Its coordinator is Saint Germain, Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray, who, when he incarnated here on Earth, was, among so many characters, Joseph, the father of Jesus, the Count of Saint Germain and Merlin, the alchemist.
The QFS will be a transitional financial system that will be used during a transitional period between now and the next decades, because in the future there will be no need for any kind of currency.
Nobody can know the exact date when it will start. But it will be soon. Possibly even this year 2022, otherwise during the next year. It may not start in all countries at the same time. It seems that there are still governments that are not connected with the Earth Alliance. Such governments need to be removed to release the QFS to their people.
One information that has already been released says that everything is ready, everything has been tested and everything has been approved. All that remains is to pull the trigger. The resources are available. And even for the countries where they will be released, what we can know is that it will not be for all people at once. There are important criteria that must be taken into account, and the most important of these is morality.
Old coins will lose their value. Known money will no longer serve a purpose. Then those who obtained their money illegally will become the new poor of the planet.
There is another important aspect: all those who possess resources and even wealth earned within ethics and morality will lose nothing. Such resources will be added to the new values that will be made available to all. It also seems fair and reasonable that this should be so. No one ever loses what is truly his.
But as it is described here, the exact form of everything is still unknown. In fact, most cannot even imagine the real way of existence, because man does not know it at all yet. No one has ever imagined a system of this magnitude.
A few weeks ago, a piece of information received went something like this:
“Imagine if all people, regardless of whether they have a bank account, were given an unlimited credit card to meet their needs. Anything you need, food, medicine, a house to live in, etc., you just swipe the card and the purchase is released and paid for. All needs will be met in this way.
But if a family needs a house, they cannot expect a palace, because in that case the card will not release the funds. The password seems to have a conscience. You can have everything you really need, but nothing more than that.
Maybe there is still the possibility to work, to earn that little bit extra. Offer an activity to make some difference. But the most important thing is that no one ever has to experience scarcity and lack again.
Remember, there will be a need for certain services and activities for some time to come. The world is changing rapidly, but it will not stop completely.
There is a necessary time for all adjustments.
The time of slavery through labour and debt is coming to an end. Nothing will ever be the same again! Be prepared for the new that is coming soon. Do not be afraid for your profession or your business. Do not fear the future! Trust, for the Golden Age is not gold by colour, but “gold” by abundance that you deserve.
Know that you are greatly assisted by the Divine Hosts. The world of reconciliation and proof is saying goodbye! Welcome to the new era!
Beloved ones!
Although it is not visible to everyone, we are at the turning point of all known systems. We have been talking in depth about the changes in this end of this Earth cycle for the last 6-7 years.
The planetary transition is nearing completion after three long Centuries. The most important changes are taking place now, in this decade, especially between 2020 and 2025.
We understand that many still do not perceive anything, because everything is a matter of consciousness and frequency. The changes between 3D and 5D are only visible to those who expand their consciousness to higher frequencies. A consciousness that is stuck in 3D will never perceive and understand anything that vibrates in 5D.
So we can say that the shift is not for everyone, because it is a perception. It would be like standing at the foot of a mountain and wishing to see the panorama on the other side. Those who climb to the top can see, describe and understand what is there. Those who do not climb to the top understand nothing because they do not have the perception of the reality that exists on the other side.
Change is always an opportunity to get rid of something useless and add something new and better. It is change that promotes the evolution and progress of everything. If there were no changes, everything would always remain the same, that is, static indefinitely.
The evolution of worlds and its humanity is only possible through constant movement.
Everything is spiralling, from the Milky Way galaxy, a Star, a Planet, and even the direction of winds, storms, or ocean currents, to even the energies that sustain life. Without movement, life would not exist.
At the end of this Planetary Cycle is also an increase in Ascension of the souls who have incarnated here on Earth. There will be great opportunities for those who have finished developing their consciousness. It is estimated that at the end, just before the Transition, 1/3 of humanity will be ready. They are the ones who will inherit the new earth.
It will now be a time of Abundance for all who recognise the concept of value. With the removal of the world’s controllers, prosperity finally comes to all who are ready at their level of cooperative consciousness. They will be the beneficiaries of abundance.
Many understand that abundance and prosperity are only related to the financial aspect. This is a misconception, because abundance encompasses the whole.
Money is only one aspect of abundance.
Complete satisfaction in emerging time, whether professional, in relationships, in perfect health, and yes, also in finances, is all in the abundance package. It would be useless to have a good bank balance and feel unhappy in other things.
We have said before that the Universe is an excellent manager of things. It charges, but also knows how to repay. The Universe is abundant with those who cooperate.
From now on, we are witnessing the end of competition as it gives way to cooperation. Those who are not attuned to the new frequencies will find it very difficult to remain on this Planet.
The Quantum Systems are already in operation, and no human action will go unnoticed and evaluated by them.
For example, the QFS (Quantum Financial System) is already working, and it can track all money flows in real time. Because it is a Quantum System, it can fool nothing and nobody.
I have already written an article about QUANTUM COMPUTER in the past. It would be good to read it again to better understand today’s article. Everything is taken into account, even the thoughts and intentions of every human being.
This Quantum Computer will certainly bring the abundance that is to come from now on.
There is no mistake; everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds. Thus, there will be abundance for all who recognise values.
This means for all who vibrate in good conduct and honesty, in other words, for all who practice what is understood to be ethical and moral, will receive this abundance. Nothing could be more righteous!
But those who take pleasure in evil, who practise injustice or profit from their own cause, will have nothing at all.
Some say: but they are already rich! Count on it; all new systems change everything, including the revalidation of coins. Illegal money will not be converted, therefore it will be worth nothing. It will not even be able to be used as toilet paper. The new poor will be those who are sitting on mountains of money with no intrinsic value.
For them, despair strikes. They may even become dangerous at some point and try to take revenge, but it is not very likely that they will succeed, even for a moment. The swindlers will no longer be able to cheat. It is the end of the Deep State Illuminati/Jesuits. It is the end of the New World Order! The Quantum System has already been activated, and put into action. It is now only a matter of time before everything is actually displayed.
Yet not everyone sees the new reality. The consciousness that is stuck in the Third Dimension cannot understand the new 5D reality. It will only be visible to those who are already in the frequency that leads to the New Earth.
So there is no point in arguing between 5D minds and 3D minds. Just understand that everything is in motion and the wheel will not stop until it reaches its destination.
I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!
Manifest Miracles and elevate your vibration with this 432 Hz frequency. Using the 432Hz frequency as a base and the added 963Hz resonance line, this track continuously builds on itself, allowing you to elevate your vibrations and focus your energy on manifestation and elevating your consciousness from the 3D to 5d. As the video progresses you will notice the video begins to evolve as the frequency and music build:
Divine Mother, with the language of my soul I demand realization of Thy presence. Thou art the essence of everything. Make me see Thee in every fiber of my being, in every wisp of thought. Awaken my heart!
Divine Mother, open wide the bud of my devotion and release its fragrance, that it may spread from my soul to the souls of all others, ever whispering of Thee.
Divine Mother, I have heard Thy voice whispering in the fragrance of the rose. I touched Thy tenderness in the softness of the lily. In the whispers of my devotion, it was Thy love that answered.
In the temple of my earthly mother’s love I will worship the incarnated love of the Divine Mother.
Cosmic Mother, take this darkness away! When I sit with eyes closed, enveloped in self-created shadows, cause Thou to blaze upon me in splendor the aurora of intuition.
In the hall of creation, 0 Divine Mother, everywhere I hear the rhythm of Thy foot-steps, dancing wildly in the booming thunder and softly in the song of atoms.
I laugh at all fears, for my Father-Mother, beloved God, is attentively awake and present everywhere with the deliberate purpose of protecting me from the temptations of evil.
(verses from, Metaphysical Meditations, by Paramhansa Yogananda, SRF Books)
Arrival of Holy Mother Spirit
The Spirit may drift across the plains of your consciousness like stray cotton fibres,
ticker taping in the wind.
She may come with the roar of fierce angels and flaming swords, striking open the
very heart of all that is good and true.
She may come like the soft, insistent whisper of waves, fanning over one another
onto the shore of you, softening your sand and leaving you forever changed.
She may nest in you, with the determination of sparrow parents-to-be.
But, however she arrives, welcome her that you may warm to one another in
loving embrace, and let the flowing fluttering birdsong of her wisdom guide you in
by Keren Dibbens – Wyatt