Greetings from Summer Blue’s Gardens of Fun in the Sun…
and Good Morning Glory…
Today I have several “shares”…Lots of growth here this year…
Lots of Expanding…Lots of Building…We are very blessed.
Here are our Morning Glory’s blooming.
A Butterfly on purple flowers
Children’s Garden Day Lilies
By now, you may have heard about Mary our new resident lamb and her very best friend, Susie Q.
Mary travels in a wheel chair cart since her back legs have been damaged.
We have a Campaign going on for anyone that would like to donate for Mary’s special needs.
Here is a link where you can read more about the campaign at Go Fund Me:
Mary and Susie Q go on adventures to see our gardens.
Currently, our duck pond is being built and should be finished today…stay tuned for the finished project.
Another Dan…Dan…the Handyman’s creation for our duck habitat.
We have two gardens here at our Sanctuary…
“Better Gnomes and Gardens” Hoop House
“The Children’s Garden”…
This year we planted lots of vegetables and flowers after doing lots of weeding.
Remember the song, “Planting Seeds, Pulling Weeds”?
That is what we did in the Season of Sweet Spring.
Now that we are in the Season of Summer Blue, we are nurturing and caring for the seeds we planted.
There are tomatoes, potatoes, squash and beets…pumpkins, cabbage, green beans, peas, all kinds of peppers, tomatillas…
so much…soon to eat.
Our handyman, Dan, got our waterfall working well.
Thanks, Dan for all the great work.
Next, we added water lily pads to the waterfall,
water hyacinths,
koi fish, and several goldfish
that swim around in the wonderful pond below.
The waterfall has a beautiful sound of gentle falling water as it cascades down two levels into the pond to greet the water plants,
Koi and goldfish.
the big surprise is who has arrived.
Remember I told you another group of Gnomes were coming to live in the “Better Gnomes and Gardens” Hoop House soon.
Well, guess what?
They have arrived.
They are all here now as the last group came yesterday.
You will soon see pictures of our biggest Gnome, Gotfried. He is 4 feet tall, oh my.
Do you remember the name of our tiniest gnome? If not, it is Timothy or more appropriately, Tiny Tim.
Gotfried will meet and greet you by the Mushroom Table and Toad Stools that sit near the entrance to the
“Better Gnomes and Gardens”.
The Gnomes that just arrived have all taken their places in the “Better Gnomes and Gardens” Hoop House as of today.
You will meet them all and learn their names and hear each of their stories.
They all really like the Hoop House and are looking forward to staying there the rest of the Summer.
Sorry, I can’t wait to share one of my favorite new arrivals with you.
His name is “Stinky”.
He immediately took his place behind the waterfall by a pot of petunias.
He had been traveling a long ways without a “potty” so he had to find his special “spotty”.
When you gotta go…you gotta go…
He is just too cute…
Sorry, Stinky, for the lack of privacy but I couldn’t wait to take your picture.
Stay tuned to meet the rest of the Summer Gnome Family Garden Friends.
Last but certainly not least, a “BIG THANK YOU” to Autumn Gold for all her help with the Summer Blue Gardens and our resident animals. Autumn Gold also took all of the pictures for the Sanctuary.
Remember, Autumn Gold lives in a Mongolian Yurt at the Sanctuary. Here is a picture of her new patio and Gazebo built by Dan…Dan…the Handyman.