Autumn Gold Announces…The Final Fall of the Cabal…Death to the Deep State…Death of the Cabal

Welcome to My World …

Autumn Gold Announces the Final Fall






THIS IS THEIR “911” …  








The Mother’s Clarion Call To All Of Humanity!

“Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Mother of One, Mother of All – and yes, sweet one, Mother of thee. And I come this day in this capacity, but I also come as Infinite Eternal Creator.

And I come as Guardian, for although it is the Father’s and my Eternal Divine Plan, I am also Guardian of this Plan –

I am Overseer …

I am Implementer …

I am Guardian …

I guide the pieces as if this was a chess board; no, not that I am suggesting to you, like many arrogant leaders, that in fact I do not take into account the hearts and minds, positions, yearnings, progressions of each and every one of my angelic children.

And let me be clear.

There is not one being – human, starseed, hybrid or earthkeeper – that is not one of my Angelic Beings.

And it matters not whether you belong to the Legion of Michael or the Tribe of Uriel, the Praisers of Metatron

or the Truth Speakers of Gabrielle.

It does not matter your colour, your hue.

You are my Angels, birthed from my being …

birthed not only from my “womb”, but from my “heart”.

And that is what humanity is learning right now: it is to birth from their heart instead of their ego.

This has nothing to do with dimensionality.

And it would appear that no matter how often I speak… Sanat Kumara speaks… Michael speaks… we all speak… about the interdimensional reality, it would appear that still our messages are not fully integrated and surrendered to, embraced.

People think of the dimensions as hierarchical, as if the 1st dimension which is the Birthing of Essence – think of it – the Birthing of Essence into formthe Idea coming forth – that that somehow is less important, less embraceable, less respected than the 7th of Christ Consciousness or the 12th of Grace.

Children Have Never Stopped Dreaming

It is a circular dimensional realm.

You begin as an idea, filled with grace, birthed from grace. How could you be birthed from our being and not be filled with grace?

And then you travel, enjoying what each dimension has to offer, and these are very broad, delicious, luscious buffets of offerings. And then you end up at the 12th in the fulfilment of grace, which is an encapsulation of all the dimensions, all the realities, so that you begin again in that sacred spiral.

The ‘old third’ dimension I have been saying for years and you, beloved (gabri Elle), know – it no longer exists.

And what is occurring in humanity at this time, with this embrace of various, many… far too many… theories of chaos, conspiracy, diversion, untruth… outright lies… is it is these humans that are too afraid to truly embrace and acknowledge the truth – and not the truth of us but the truth of who they are, who their neighbour is.

They are clinging to old patterns that no longer serve, and even when they were hardy did not really serve, but there is no place for this. There is no place for the untruth.

And let me be very clear …

What I categorize as untruth is that which is not only of lies but of cruelty, control, ego.

And these scenarios are being created because they want to create, they want to recreate, they want to re-anchor the old third reality. And they are doing so, many inadvertently and some very consciously, and they are doing it kicking and screaming.

So let me be very clear this day … 

This is my clarion call to all of humanity …

to embrace Love …

to embrace Truth …

to embrace Peace …

and to not only set aside, not only to relinquish, but to literally surrender the drama, the sense of vengeance, re-venge, punishment, that one is guilty and one is to blame, and therefore one is in a better position to judge. 

There is no room for judgment!

Do you discern what has gone awry? Yes, of course you do! And might I suggest, sweet children, that you begin that discernment by looking at what has gone awry in your own life, and then your own role within your family, and then your own role within the community.

That is what this pause is being used for. That is how I have shifted the energy and the purpose of this Covid-19 pandemic, so that all of you would stop and remember that you are Angels-in-form, experiencing and expressing love.

This is a gift, and it has turned into an ungodly melee of punishment. No one – no, not even I, not the Father, not the Holy Spirit, not Yeshua or Mohammed – no one, seen or unseen, is in charge of your belief systems.

You are not taking things to your heart, sweet ones. You are not taking things to your heart – to the truth of your heart – and discerning: “Is this of love; is this something that I truly wish to support, to prop up, to continue on in the rebirth of the human race – in this time of resurrection of Nova Gaians?”

Gaia and the Kingdoms are well ahead of you.

Now it is time for you to surrender and then, out of that surrender, to embrace the true potential of who and what you are. This is the time of transition. You do not go through transition, you do not go through rebirth, by constantly turning around and running back and grabbing what no longer fits, what is no longer useful – what is no longer of love.

Welcome to the light now …

Step forward into the light, the power, the truth, the potential of who YOU are.

And if you find yourselves surrounded by those who say, “No! No, you must know this conspiracy or that chaos,” bless them and let them go!

You can invite them to step forward into the love, but if not, step forward yourself, bright one!

Come into my heart …

Come into the truth of the realm that I have created for my Angels to play in.

What are you waiting for?

I am waiting to greet you, to embrace you, to co-create with you. Why do you or would you hesitate? There is no reason.

Let me be clear. This is not the Divine One calling you home. This is me, Divine Mother/Father One, saying it is time to stay and truly engage in the unfoldment of our Plan, yes, but also yours.

Never did you say to me: “Mother, what I want to do is incarnate, and then go to the planet and not only discover but actually implement how much brutality I can bring forth to the human race; how much pain and suffering I can cause; how many secret scenarios of power grabs I can implement.” 

None of you ever said that!

And none of you would have been permitted to reincarnate at this time of the rebirth of love if that was the case.

So acknowledge and embrace who you truly are and surrender unto me what is not of truth.

Go with my love.”










The Divine Mother on the Divine Plan


The Divine Mother is not an ascended master or goddess.

She and the Father are One Being.

The difference is simply that she creates, preserves and transforms

that is,

She is active –

while he is transcendently still.

The Many Faces of Divine Mother


(A Short History of the Divine Mother by Paramhansa Yogananda)

The Mother Aspect of God

For centuries, across the world, there has been an imbalance that favors masculine energy.

This is evident in the realms of religion, where God is generally described as “God the Father.” Paramhansa Yogananda tried to change this unilateral approach and used himself as an example.

I myself worship the Mother aspect [of God] especially.

For the Mother is closer than the Father …

The Father aspect of God represents that part which is aloof from His creation …

The Mother is creation itself …

Even among mankind, the human father is more disposed than the mother to judge their erring children.

The mother always forgives.

Let’s look more closely at Yogananda’s explanation of the Supreme Being and Her appearance in the cosmic picture to get a clear understanding of why the “Mother is creation itself.”

Divine Cosmology

God is primordially the impersonal, genderless, timeless, space-less Spirit.

God is the pure, unmoving, eternal Consciousness, but when that one Spirit manifests creation it assumes three aspects:

  • Father: God beyond creation (SAT in Hinduism); Cosmic Consciousness

  • Son: God in creation (TAT in Hinduism); Christ Consciousness

  • Holy Ghost: God as vibration, manifesting creation and nature (AUM/MOTHER in Hinduism)

 Yogananda pointedly explains that the “Holy Ghost is the Mother aspect of God.

The Holy Ghost is the Mother aspect of God.

Paramhansa Yogananda

This indeed is original Christianity.

In the ancient Aramaic and Hebrew Bible, the “Holy Spirit” is feminine (see also Wikipedia, “Gender of Holy Spirit”). The words Jesus used, Rúach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit), are feminine. A more accurate translation, then, would be

Holy Mother Spirit.

By becoming three in creation, the motionless and impersonal Spirit now becomes involved and personal: He/She responds to prayers, performing miracles, appearing, blessing, guiding, loving, and sending divine grace to all worshipful hearts.

The one transcendental Spirit becomes both Father and Mother.

Yogananda explains their differences:

Pure reason or wisdom is the Father aspect of God.

All nature that we behold is the Mother aspect of God because in nature we find beauty, gentleness, and kindness.

The flowers, birds, and the beauties of nature all speak of the Mother aspect of God—the creative, motherly instinct of God.

When we look at all the good things in nature, we feel a tenderness rise within us; we can see and feel God in nature.

Divine Versatility

It is, of course, entirely up to us how we approach God—as a Father, a Mother, or in a formless way. In short—we may cheerfully throw all dogmas concerning the only correct approach to God out of the window. The one and only valid “dogma” is Love.

He/She answers to sincere devotion, appearing with a million different faces, in whatever form the devotee worships. Yogananda, in the Autobiography of a Yogi, puts it beautifully:

A devout Christian sees Jesus; a Hindu beholds Krishna, or the Goddess Kali, or an expanding Light if his worship takes an impersonal turn…. In order to please His beloved devotee, the Lord takes any desired form. If the devotee worships through devotion, he sees God as the Divine Mother. To Jesus, the Father aspect of the Infinite One was appealing beyond other conceptions. The individuality with which the Creator has endowed each of His creatures makes every conceivable and inconceivable demand on the Lord’s versatility!

Divine Mother, naughty or good, I am Your own.

We may choose, then, to worship God as the Cosmic Mother, who is ever-close, ever-loving, ever-compassionate, and ever-forgiving towards us, Her children. From our hearts, we can talk to Her like children:

Divine Mother, naughty or good, I am Your own.
-Paramhansa Yogananda

The Mother responds more easily than the Father when the devotee prays with such pure and sincere love.

Attracted by intense devotion, She sometimes even appears in a shining, beautiful form to the devotee.

In the song “What Lightning Flash,” Yogananda describes his own soul-stirring experience:

What lightning flash glimmers in Thy face, Mother
Seeing Thee I am thrilled through and through…

Many times, in fact, we read about apparitions of the Cosmic Mother, while similar visions of the Heavenly Father are relatively remote. It seems to be a universal truth:

“The Mother is closer than the Father.”

How does She appear? What face does She have? What clothes does She wear? The good news is that Her versatility is infinite. Countless are the faces and forms of the Mother of the Universe to her children.

Faces of Divine Mother

Impersonal Face

Divine Mother, as previously mentioned, is the AUM (Holy Ghost), the sacred creative vibration that manifests all creation. Through the AUM vibration, the Divine Mother appears to us as Mother Nature. Yet behind those outwards forms, She is formless. Yogananda explained:

The Divine Mother is so beautiful! But remember, in Her higher manifestation even that beauty is formless. She is in everything. Her divine, compassionate love is expressed in the raindrops. Her beauty is reflected in the colors of the rainbow. She offers fresh hope to mankind with the rose-tinted clouds at dawn. Above all, be ever conscious of Her presence in your heart.

 Personal Face

AUM the Mother, however, also appears in many magnificent forms to the worshipping devotee, in all cultures and religions. She then becomes extremely close, loving, and personal. 

Virgin Mary – For Catholics, Mary is the “eternal” Mother of God. She also, in her compassionate love, is extremely versatile. In Guadalupe, Mexico, for example, She appeared to Juan Diego with a brown face. In numerous pilgrimage sites, as in the Chartres Cathedral in France, She is now being worshipped in a black form, quite similar to Kali in India. In short, to please the praying heart, Divine Mother assumes countless forms: brown, black, white …

“Eternally Yours” the Madonna of the Snow …

Madonna of the Rosary …


Divine Mother assumes countless forms…


Kali – Yogananda worshipped the Divine Mother in the form of Kali. In Autobiography of a Yogi we read how, as a child, his intense prayers to Her miraculously secured him two desired kites. Years later when he grew up, a Kali statue came to life for him—moving, loving, and speaking to him. He explains:

Kali represents Mother Nature. She is AUM, the cosmic vibration. In AUM everything exists–all matter, all energy, and the thoughts of all conscious beings. Hence, Her garland of heads, to show that She is invisibly present in all minds.” Her tongue sticks out; she has four arms, all of which are symbols of nature. In an inner vision, She becomes extremely beautiful. After a meditation, Yogananda once exclaimed, “AUM is Divine Mother. AUM Kali! AUM Kali! AUM Kali! Listen: Oh, how beautiful it is! AUM Kali! AUM Kali! AUM Kali!”


Durga – Yogananda and his guru Sri Yukteswar held “annual festivities of Durgapuja,” worshipping Mother Durga. In Autobiography of a Yogi Yogananda explains:  

[Durga] is the Inaccessible, an aspect of Divine Mother, Shakti, the female creative force [AUM] personified.

Durga is powerful, also known as the slayer of demons, meaning the dark inner enemies of our souls.


Saraswati – described in Autobiography of a Yogi as the “goddess of wisdom,” who “is symbolized as performing on the vina, mother of all stringed instruments.” In mythology, She is Brahma’s wife and holds a profound symbolism. Readers who want to explore the deep inner meaning of the various Indian goddesses will find enlightening explanations in Swami Kriyananda’s book The Hindu Way of Awakening.


Lakshmi – is the much-loved goddess of abundance and prosperity. She is Vishnu’s wife. Yogananda says she is the primordial Nature.


Parvati – In the Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda addresses Sri Yukteswar with these devotional words:

“Guruji,” I said, “from my twelfth year on, I have made many unsuccessful attempts to reach the Himalayas. I am finally convinced that without your blessings the Goddess Parvati will not receive me!”

Parvati is literally explained as Of the mountains. Parvati, mythologically represented as a daughter of Himavat or the sacred mountains, is a name given to the shakti, or consort of Shiva.


Chamundi – Yogananda, in his universal spirit, reverently bowed to many forms of Divine Mother. For example, we read in Autobiography of a Yogi:

There [in Mysore] we had bowed before the gold and silver altars of the Goddess Chamundi, the patron deity of the family of the reigning maharaja.

Chamundi, an aspect of Chandi (Parvati), is a lesser-known goddess but nonetheless represents for us one of Divine Mother’s countless forms. Who could ever limit Her?

Buddhism – Buddhists revere many goddesses, the most famous being Tara, the Mother of Liberation.


Judaism – Hebrews have only one God, Yahweh, but the Shechinah is His dwelling within; His presence is a feminine word and quality.


Islam – Muslims similarly worship only one God, Allah. The feminine presence is represented by Fatima, the immaculate and venerated daughter of the prophet Mohammed, “The first of the women of Paradise.” Muslims have a rosary-like prayer known as Tasbih Fatima, meaning Fatima’s glorification of God.


Earthly Face

Divine Mother is extremely close to us in very a tangible way. How? Every woman can become a living Divine Mother here on earth—an instrument of Her pure love, Her pure grace, and Her pure power. When that happens, it is Her appearance right in front of us.

Secretly the Divine Mother also wears the face of our earthly mother (however imperfectly she may play that role). In Autobiography of a Yogi it’s recorded that She tells Yogananda:

It is I who have watched over thee, life after life, in the tenderness of many mothers! See in My gaze the two black eyes, the lost beautiful eyes, thou seekest!

Yogananda lost his earthly mother, with her beloved “solacing black eyes,” at the tender age of eleven. This tragic event pushed him to intensely seek the Cosmic Mother. She finally appeared to him one day, consoling him with words which apply to all of us, Her children:

Always have I loved thee!
Ever shall I love thee!

We do well to meditate on Her words, again and again, immersing ourselves in Her eternal love.

Whatever you do, try in every thought and action to express inner, divine inspiration. Visualize grace as flowing through you from AUM, the Holy Ghost, or Divine Mother. 

Can anything but love and grace heal our troubled world? Let us always remember: The Mother is closer than the Father.

Her love will shelter, forgive, purify, and heal everyone who turns to Her with the trust of a child.

She will answer sincere love.

Learn to live in Her love …

Trust in Her love …

And most of all …

Make every effort to channel Her Love to All.

I hope you enjoyed Autumn Gold’s Equinox Adventure 2021

Excerpts in Quotes credited to L. Dillon 

A Final Powerful Tribute to

Shiva/Shakti …

Father/Mother God

In the Season of Autumn Gold …

Destroyer of “Dark Hearts” and Protector of “Good Hearts” …

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