Autumn Gold Announces the Adventure of the Fall of the Cabal…You Are Out of Here!

Things to Love About Fall:

The feeling of crisp, cool air

The sight of vibrant, colorful foliage

The smell of pumpkin-spice and apple-cinnamon everything

The taste of pumpkin-spice and apple-cinnamon everything

The sound of dried leaves crunching beneath your feet

Leave art

Fall is a season that engages all the senses and invites us to slow down, breathe deeply, and savor the little things in life.


I hope you enjoy the season.

Take the Red Pill 

See the source image


Go With Me 


The Q’s Team Take Down of the Cabal from A to Z

A “Q” Anon Speaks

I just want to wake people up. I can say with 100% positivity that Q is real and the proofs, heading up to election day…

1.  Will become more and more true.

2.  We are going to be laughing and cheering by the end of this movie. We will see the blackout, and as more people are watching, we are going to get more and more excited.

3.   Trump will be the HERO of the movie and THE BEST PRESIDENT TO HAVE EVER LIVED!!!

4.   I know I sound like a madman, but I finally figured it out.

Q says WE ARE WATCHING a MOVIE!!!! We are ACTUALLY watching a movie play out. It’s playing out. It has been playing out for the last 20 or so years, but definitely since October 28, 2017 (Q’s first post).

5.   Here are some of Q’s phrases that he says repeatedly…”You are watching a movie.” “You’re going to love how this story ends.” “A good movie needs good actors.” “Patriots are in control.”

6.   All of this is being played out by the MSM right now on all sides. All sides. Every national story you are currently watching this year is completely fake. “The War is Real. The News is Fake.”

7.   Many Qanons feel that the “War is Real” means that the war is happening right now, and Trump and the Military are behind the scenes doing battle.

Guess what? It’s not happening right now. It’s already over. It’s already over. They’ve already won. The Patriots have.

8.   What we are watching with Q is a Mass Military Operation to wake up the entire country from Mind Control. The operation isn’t to arrest, convict, take over the Deep State. The Deep State lost when Trump won. They already lost.

9.   What we’re watching is the “Fake News” tell us the story in order to wake people up slowly, to prevent hysteria, to prevent chaos, to prevent mainly (denial).

“It had to be done this way,” Q said.

10.   If the three-letter agencies have been hijacked for years, then the CIA, Deep State, International Cabal…could have easily put us under a mass hypnosis.

11.   What Q is doing from online is waking people up from one end. What the main stream media is now doing is waking people up from the other end.

12.   Think how many articles, news shows, specials, websites that you have seen over the last month completely bash and censor Q.

13.   It’s okay! They are not really censoring Q, for they’re bringing more attention to it, and waking more people up. People need to be “shown” gradually. We are actually being invited into the MOVIE!!! #Qanon #OANN?…

14.  (Side note: in a couple of months you’re going to see OANN and Qanons become the co-stars of the show…Trump and Military are benevolent, and they want us to feel good. They want us to feel whole.)

15.   There really is nothing to worry about. The next 90 days are going to be the most exciting, thrilling, life-changing time that the world will ever know! “You’re going to love how this story ends.”

16.  You are watching a big budget Hollywood movie play out in real time. What you need to start to do is put the pieces together like a film script. You really have to do that. Think Spielberg. “Symbolism will be their downfall.” Think Summer Popcorn movie.

17.   Think The Hero’s Journey.

Think, THE ODYSSEY! Odysseus = ?

   Remember what happens in the Odyssey…

18.  Odysseus is out to sea for 10 years during the Trojan War. He returns home in disguise. His dog, Argos, is the only one who recognizes him when he returns (dog communications lately?)

19.  Revival in the USA and around the WORLD. Countries will be free from the mind control. Free from the Deep State. Free from the Central Banks. Free from Global Warming. Free from terrorism and the 9/11 story. Everything you’ve known to be true the last 20-30 years has been…A lie.

20.   BUT, This is going to end VERY WELL!!!Patriots are in COMPLETE CONTROL. You are LITERALLY watching a movie.

LITERALLY. @X22Report@JuliansRum #Qanon #WWG1WGA @dbongino @realDonaldTrump@DanScavino

Please help me spread this thread!!! I want to help the PATRIOTS!!!

Time to Go from Dark to Light

with the

The Creatrix of the Matrix  

Your Voice … Your Choice

She says

“You have played a very dark and dangerous game with My Bag of Trix”  

As it is said in The Matrix …

“We can never see past the choices we don’t understand”

“You are in control of your own life…take a cookie”

“Your Choice Now Is To Wake-up


Go Back to Sleep For A Long, Long Time …






(A Mondegreen Version)

I went out looking so many nights 
I seldom found much at all 
And then I saw You just yesterday 
And now I know what I’ve been looking for

All the mistakes that I’ve made in my life
They may not have been in vain
Yeah each one of them was a part of it all
And they placed me right here in your hands
Turn on the floodlights
Make it bright as day
Call up a mighty wind to blow us away
This foundation’s steady and so is the love
That keeps raining down upon us from above

Through time and space
It’s all come down to You
Standing before me right out of the blue
I see you now were you there all along
It’s a pity to be weak why does it take so long?

All the mistakes that I’ve made in my life
They may not have been in vain
Yeah each one of them was a part of it all
And they placed me right here in your hands

On down the highway
Inside the door
Everybody is waiting and there may be more
I am the Dreamer, you are the Dream
Or it could be the other way around
And that’s okay with me
That I know you love me
It doesn’t matter if I’m real
I think that makes You god and tell me how does that feel?

All the mistakes that I’ve made in my life
They may not have been in vain
Yeah each one of them was a part of it all
And they placed me right here in your hands

I must have it backwards
But it turns out the same
You can’t always win
That’s why they call it a game
Maybe for a moment
Maybe for one night
The Universe keeps burning
Until She turns out the light

All the mistakes that I’ve made in my life
They may not have been in vain
Yeah each one of them was a part of it all
And they placed me right here in your hands
Turn on the floodlights
Make it bright as day
Call up a mighty wind to blow us all away
This foundation’s steady and so is the love
That keeps raining down upon us from the Mother up above

Original words to song by Les Visible Arizona

Welcome to the Light …

We Won … You Won


I remain Her faithful Servant and Scribe,


P.S.  These are such intense times that I read this and wanted to send to all

as I feel it is so important regarding the present intensity in our physical bodies and minds …

Cmdr Ashian: Hang on to your hats!

by Jennifer Crokaert


J: Hello, my dear Ashian – well, this is a surprise! You don’t normally give me a title! There doesn’t seem to be an intuitive on the planet who doesn’t think that the next four months are going to be an exceptional rollercoaster ride, yet you seem to be taking it lightly!
A: Dear Jennifer, you are not wrong!

Consider this: have you ever had an ache or pain that would not go away? The more you fixated on it, the bigger and more powerful it became. If you were to continue down this path, one would find the pain would grow, your body would distort to accommodate it, then it would become calcified into your bones: it would become you.

J: Although not in such an extreme way, I know what you’re talking about.

A: Well, the next four months are going to be intense. Already there are millions of light hearts around the world unconsciously stiffening, bracing themselves for the onslaught. That act of stiffening, of tensing, is incorporating the tension: in-corp-orating: bringing into the body.

It is not yours. It is not yours to hold.

You, all light workers, are here to pass through this, not to hold it; to go lightly, not to trudge.

Now, this is not to say that we think you need to be flippant, or foolish. We are saying that there is great relief, great nurturing to be found in lightness, in passing through rather than incorporating … in noticing the humour in life rather than living in the pain, sorrow and regret. Pass through those stages, but don’t choose to live there, to become those emotions.

You may experience many, many emotions, but do not devour them, do not eat them. They are poison being released. The antidote to dark poison is lightness. Become aware of the emotions, name them if you wish, or draw them, or dance them, or sing them… let them express so they may leave your body.

Then, incorporate lightness wherever you may find it. You are light workers, light is your essence, light resonates within you, light radiates from you. Make the light your home. Let your heart return to lightness as often as you can … be light-hearted.

To be light-hearted, is not to diminish the pain and suffering of millennia, it is to honour it and show the pathway forward towards the light, so that those who were previously unaware do not drown in their own grief, betrayal, anger, shock…

Being light-hearted, being light of heart, allows you the space for compassion, for deep listening, for forgiveness, for non-judgement.


That is why you came here, our beloved brothers and sisters of the galaxies. You are reading this, because this is your purpose. You are reading this because this is your truth. Practice finding light-heartedness now.

J: I know some people may feel that this is all terribly disrespectful and that light-heartedness is utterly the wrong focus for this moment, but could I add in my own thought here?

A: But of course, we are in partnership.

J: I read about this, perhaps it was you or someone else – sorry I don’t remember: my memory is shot! – and I noticed, when I was overwhelmed with shock, I watched suspense programmes to almost numb myself to my own feelings, and I would go to bed heavy, wound up … not in a good place.

Then I made a decision to watch some comedy, even if for only for ten minutes before bed, so that I could laugh. I found it hugely helpful, because the laughter actually seemed to melt much of the tension in my body, it relaxed me for a better night’s sleep. It actually does work!

A: This is exactly what we mean! Perfect, perfect, perfect! Music, comedy … uplifting activities of any kind will dissolve the chemicals released by stress, and reprogramme your hormonal template to a design more of the light than the dark.

We would suggest that there are many humans who are here to trudge through the coming revelations; your job is to shine the light, like light houses, to remind them of the truth and the glory of their divinity, so that they never loose sight of that, even when in the mire.

So be in the light, be of the light; use love, use generosity, use compassion, use humour, use all the tools of your light box, to return to your baseline, your ‘home’ vibration of the light. Then you teach others, through your example, how to rediscover their divinity, their Light.

J: Brilliant! Thank you. I really like that. I’m not sure if it came through as I typed, but I clearly understood that you’re not saying we won’t be knocked sideways, you’re saying that we don’t need to live there. Feel it and then release it, blessing all involved with love, compassion, healing…

A: Exactly! That is precisely what we mean. You will be knocked, but surf the wave, rather than get towed under by it.

J: Do you surf much?!

A: We have seen it! It does look fun!

J: I’ve just realised, you managed to finish on a humour note!

A: How strange!

J: Thank you. Love and blessings from all of us who read your words.

A: It is our pleasure. We are always with you all.


Meditate and Rise Above the Fray and Relax with Tim Janis …


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