Message from a Dolphin

Is it possible for dolphins to be messengers?  My answer to this question is “yes”.

Over many years, I have been blessed to receive writings that have deep meaning for me and hopefully others as well.

“The Dolphin’s Glow” came to me in the year 1986 while traveling in the Chiropractic field all over the United States.  I had flown to Minneapolis, Mn. with a doctor that I assisted with seminars.  I arrived on Friday evening to get the seminar set-up in advance.  I had dinner with Dr. Benson after we were finished setting up.  I had an unusual headache so I went to my room and fell asleep.  The next morning I thought I had not slept well because of the headache so I expressed that to Dr. Benson.  He said well then you heard the horrible storm…lightening and thunder?  I was very surprised and said I had not heard anything.  He told me I had to be sleeping very soundly or I definitely would have heard the storm.   I was puzzled.  We proceeded to the seminar and I took my usual place in the back of the room with water, pens, and paper where I coached him as far as his voice being too loud, not loud enough, etc.  I was listening intently to his seminar presentation when a very peculiar thing began to happen.

What happened reminded me of a 3D effect at Disneyland.  Everything happening mundanely in the room started to fade into the background.  From the point where Dr. Benson was standing at the front of the room,  a Dolphin began swimming to me in the air in a 3D effect and I literally could not believe my eyes.  My expression must have shown this because Dr. Benson was now totally engrossed in what was going on with me.  I still had my eyes fixated on the Dolphin as it approached me still swimming in mid-air.

It was then that I faded out and picked up a pen and began writing what I would later read to him as “The Dolphin’s Glow”.  I , also, understood that I didn’t remember the storm the night before because I had been swimming freely with this Dolphin, having so much fun.  I now remembered swimming all night long and being able to breathe under water with this beautiful, magical creature of the sea as she spoke her message of a “Renaissance of Life” in Dolphin language.

I would like to share that beautiful message now on the G.A.B. as it is time for all of us to listen to the wisdom of the Dolphin as it was given to me in that Dolphin Dream so long ago.


“The Dolphin’s Glow”

A Dolphin came to me one night and spoke of higher planes of light in softness swimming round about in my mind’s delight.

Gently brushing past my face…in Dolphin Language spoke of grace…beyond the realms of man’s domain…the Dolphin’s language still remains in my deepest thoughts.

The Dolphin whispered in my ear, things to come in future years.

She gently opened both my eyes…to start to understand and try…

“As one person, she began, you can change the destiny of man.  Just you alone can begin…to change Earth’s loss and let her win.”

Oh, how wise the Dolphin was…more than man had realized.  If only she could swim into everyone’s dreams…the world would change to me it seemed.

The Dolphin circled round my head…and softly I began to speak and said.

“With great beauty you have shown me love and I have grown.  Please don’t ever leave my dreams…come to me in streams of light to chase away the dark of night.

I want to hold you as a sign…carry me through the oceans of time.”

I took hold of her gentle ways…and tried to get her to stay, but, she slipped through my fingertips and like the dream was gone.

I awoke and was all alone…and it was then I knew I’d touched the dawn…for a part of me had gone and in it’s place a seed was sown.

I knew the Dolphin would not come again…although I longed to be her friend.

But, just that once would be enough…for my life to rearrange and accomplish the things that I could change. 

I would begin…I could start…to pay my debt…to do my part…to make the difference I could make for there was so much at stake.

Just one life that I can heal…I know the message will forever peal from every corner on this earth…and man in time can have rebirth.

“A Renaissance of Life” it’s called by those who know.

The “secret” of the Dolphin’s Glow…will light our way and warm within…all we need is to BEGIN…

© 1988


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